Friday 8 May 2009

Block paving

Virtually no maintenance is required once laid. Sweep occasionally
to remove dust and detritus. If you find green algae building up on
them, it can be safely removed by cleaning . Use of a pressure washer
should be limited to very dirty pavements and no more than once a
year, as the high-power water jet loosens jointing and can damage
some pavings.
Paving Patterns

This is the simpler of the herringbone patterns to set up. Decide on
a "base-line" that will be the start of the pattern. This is usually
taken to be a line along the main directriopn of travel or one that
is parallel or at right angles to the house or other building. If there
is a right-angle corner, the setting out can be based on the two lines
, as shown in the diagram below.

Setting out a perpendicular, ie a line at exactly 90° to the base line,

is described on the setting-out page.

Laying sequence
On a square or rectangular area, a 90° herringbone pattern can be
used to keep cutting to a minimum. Only one block width in 4 need
be cut to fit, and judicious positioning of edge courses can ensure
that the pavement is a given number of full bricks wide. It is best
to start laying tight against a fixed edge, such as against an edging
course, but if this is not possible, then a taut string line can be
established as the base-line.

With this pattern, most of the blocks at the edge of the work will
need to be cut at an angle to fit in. It is usual to lay all the full bricks
first, then once these have been checked for alignment, the edge
pieces can be cut in. Leaving out the edge pieces allows the body of
the paving to be accurately aligned BEFORE fastening in the work
. In the following diagrams, the bricks are the standard 200x100mm
plan size blocks most commonly used for domestic paving.


starter course
Setting up the first line of blocks

Continue to lay as many full blocks as possible and then check
the alignment, using a pinch-bar or pavior's mall to 'nudge' blocks
into line. Once the alignment is complete, the edge blocks can be
cut to shape and fitted in prior to final sealing.
complete starter course

Complete the double starter course

as shown.This startercourseshould be as long

as possible, to ensure accuracy

adding further courses

check with line

These drawings represent a flexible construction. block paving structural view

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