Saturday 18 April 2009

Mark out the area of the planned paving, allowing approx 300mm
over at each free edge to make handling materials and haunching of
edgings or kerbs that much easier. Use sand, a spray marker or
string and stakes to mark out the area - see Setting Out page.

Make sure you know the approximate location of any services such

as electricity, gas, cable tv etc - see Working Safely page.

set out


Dig off as required, and dispose of spoil. Dig depth for a typical
domestic driveway is 200mm below finished paving level, based
on 100mm sub-base, 40mm sand bed and 60mm block. Typical
builders' skips hold approximately 4.5 m³ of excavated material,
which, assuming a 200mm dig depth, works out that each 20-25 m²
of paving will require 1 skip to dispose of spoil. Remember that
excavated material bulks up by 20-30%, so each 1m³ dug out will
become 1.3m³ for diposal.

Make sure any soft spots are excavated and backfilled with
compacted sub-base material. Remember, it's better to dig too
deeply than too shallow. See also sub-grades page.

Install any drainage that's required and haunch with concrete.

Dig Off

Edge Courses

Set up taut string lines to guide line and level of edge courses.
Lay edging bricks on concrete bed. Once you are satisfied that
the straight lines are indeed straight, and that the curves are
'sweet', the edgings should be solidly haunched with concrete
at least 75mm thick.


Spread, level and compact a minimum 100mm thick layer
of sub-base material. This sub-base should be profiled or
graded to match the planned profile of the finished paving
and should be accurate to ±10mm. Make sure there are
no voids within the sub-base - any such voids should be
filled with stone dust or grit sand and compacted before
laying the bedding course.


Spread, level and compact bedding sand, and screed to
correct level. If using a 45° pattern, lay out starter course
of blocks square or parallel to the building. 90° patterns are
best started at a corner or main edge of the building.

Block laying

Continue to lay all full blocks, making sure you work
from a section of already laid paving, not from the
screeded bedding course. When all the full blocks are
laid, check for alignment by checking the lines with a taut
string line and adjusting as necessary, then cut in at the edges.
Block laying

Finishing off

Fix Recess Trays and gully covers, if necessary. Check
paving for compliance and compact the paving with a
vibrating plate compactor (wacker plate). Make 4-6
passes over each section of paving, alternating passes at
90° to the previous pass. With clay pavers and some of
the more decorative concrete blocks, you may need to
use a mat attached to the base of the plate compactor
to prevent spalling damage to the edges of the bricks.
Brush-in dry jointing sand and make final compaction.

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